// Living My Script Dream //


So What's It Like To Pitch To Hollywood

My very first pitch yesterday was with Andrew Trapani from Intergrated Films & Management. He was exactly what I anticipated "externally." Mid-30's, tan, gel'd hair, very hip looking, and well-polished. But what I wasn't expecting was how NICE he was. The pitch went a little something like this: (mind you this is a "short" pitch, only 10 minutes, whereas if you were having a pitch meeting IN HOLLYWOOD you'd pitch for quite a lot longer.)

Me: Hi, I'm Eric Anderson.
AT: Hi, Eric, I'm Andrew. Go ahead and sit down.
Me: Thanks.
AT: So how's your morning going so far?
Me: Pretty good. Had a little weirdness trying to sign up for more pitches.
AT: Really? Like what?
Me: Oh, I guess their server freaked out, and it did it right while "I" was at the head of the line signing up for more people. I thought the rest of the line was gonna kill me when they had to shut down after I was done.
AT: Nice. Sounds fun.
Me: Yah, it was good times.
AT: Well, I basically consider this time as "your" time, so we can talk about whatever you want to talk about. We can talk about the weather, sports, your script, whatever you want.
Me: Cool. Well, since I'm here with a script, why don't I go ahead and just pitch that and we'll see where that takes us?
AT: Sounds good, go for it.
Me: (( insert Eric's pitch here ))
AT: Hmmm, that's not really something I'd be looking for.
Me: OK.
AT: What else have you got? Have you written any other scripts?
Me: (( panic in my head, as I didn't think we were allowed to pitch more than one thing and I hadn't really prepared a backup ))
Me: Well, I actually wrote something a few years ago before I really knew what I was doing, and I'm doing a page 1 re-write on it. It's basically the story of....(( insert my quick, off-the-cuff pitch about "Inside" )).
AT: Cool. I like that part about the guy with anxiety. I think that one might have a little potential. I'd work on fleshing out the part with the whole anxiety stuff, and see where that takes you.
Me: Awesome, it's definitely next on my list. Hey, um, I know you guys (execs/producers) all sort of talk amongst yourselves at this show. Do you know of anyone that might be more interested in an Action script like my first one?
AT: Hmmmm. Yah, actually, you might want to talk with so-and-so and, uh, check with so-and-so (who I'm already signed up for today) cause I think her companies does a lot of flicks like that.
Me: Great. Thanks. Well, I really appreciate your time. I think it's so cool that you guys all come up and do this kind of stuff.
AT: Oh, it's my pleasure.
Me: Do you guys give out cards?
AT: Ummmm, I'll give "you" my card. (implying he doesn't give 'em to everyone)
Me: Awesome, thanks. Well, thanks again, it was very cool to meet you, and thanks again for your time. Good luck with everyone else you're meeting with. I hope you find some good stuff!
AT: Me, too. Thanks. Have a good one.


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