Four. Five. Four.
You have to remember that I spend my days as a "marketer." My nuerons are consumed with target markets, advertising, doing whatever I can to get my product into someone's hands.
So...after I had finished sending "Like Brothers" off to the four executives who had requested an actual, physical, paper copy of it...I thought "hey, don't I have the email address of that one guy from the workshop that I never got to pitch to?"
And, uh, huh, yep, there it was! An exec who was kind enough to give out his email address to the lot of us attending his class, so I thought, "time to do a little self promotion!"
I drafted up a quick, consise email; after all, these guys are BUSY people, so I simply said..."Hi Agent E, I enjoyed your class, and just sent my script off to A, B, C, and D. Thought maybe you'd like to see it too?"
And it worked! He replied back with simply..."Eric-send along."
So, by Tuesday night, I was up to FIVE execs who were checking it out.
AND THEN THE HAMMER FELL! For the first time. I had been waiting!
Late yesterday I got my first rejection. Well, technically, I think my first rejection came in 5th grade from a girl named Julie Zea, but that's a whole other story! This was my first HOLLYWOOD rejection.
Jake Wagner from Energy Entertainment emailed and said that although he could tell I had worked hard on it, he just wasn't enthusiastic about "Like Brothers." I thanked him very sweetly for reading it so neatly, and asked him most completely for notes and thoughts so deeply...actually...I just thanked him and said if he had any feedback or advice, no matter how brutally honest, I'd welcome it. I also mentioned I hoped it would be ok to contact him in the future with any new work I come up with.
Although he didn't provide any feedback, he did say to "definitely send along any future loglines." So, I guess that's a bit of a moral victory, cause if he thought "Like Brothers" was junk, I doubt he'd even entertain my future loglines.
Regardless...Jake's email didn't faze me at all. Although I'm very confident in the story I've crafted, I am mature enough to look in the mirror and see a newbie in the world of script writing! Yes, someone might love it. Yes, they all might not. But I won't stop moving forward with it.
Please keep praying for the four other people currently reading it!
Eric, your determination is inspiring!!!
Anonymous, at 8:51 PM
Jake Wagner is one of the Big Dogs. The fact that he emailed you at all is a notch in the wind column.
Anonymous, at 3:44 PM
I feel sort of weird even talking about execs and all that, being so naive in the business and young in my script writing...but...
My general impression with ALL of these execs was that they really are just people like you and I, and they are excited about the opportunity of finding the next gem out there that's going to make them a lot of money.
If you ever get a chance to meet with them, they really are nice people, and hopefully you've got that next idea they're looking for to make something special!
Anonymous, at 6:30 PM
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