// Living My Script Dream //


Heather Gets a Job!!

So remember the days when I used to blog about script writing stuff? Those were fun, huh?! I should get back to those some day soon! But until then, I have to post about a VERY significant milestone and throw out a little diatribe about why the Vancouver School District is spiraling out of control.

My wife has been offered and has accepted a Kindergarten teaching position at Mt. View Christian Center. It's a full-time K position and she is super excited to get in there and share the knowledge she has with children and start their educational experience out on the right foot! We've prayed for a full-time job for a long time and we are thrilled for this opportunity.

But why has it taken so long to land an opportunity? I mean, after all, my wife has completed her Master's Degree with emphasis on Reading and Literacy, which are supposed to be hot spots for today's education systems. AND...she's subbed for years in the Vancouver School District. AND...she's loved there and gets requested by teachers to be their sub all the time. AND...has numerous letters of recommendation from teachers and principals, some very well thought of in the district. So, why so long?

"MY" opinion is because the VSD is doing too many things wrong and not enough things right when it comes to their hiring practices. Is it because their hands are tied politically? I don't know, but I know some stuff is seriously messed up. My first glimpse of this was when Heather was not offered a position one year, yet ended up having to start that year for the lady who got the position because that teacher didn't have her certification paperwork in order. HEATHER OPENED THAT CLASS because the teacher couldn't even prove she was certified to be teaching! Yet, the other lady got the job. What the heck?

And don't even get me started on the career fairs that they host all over the U.S. looking to meet their "regional diversity" numbers. I mean, who would know this area's kids better than my wife? Of course, some no-name from Tempe, Arizona, who will get up here, realize how much it rains, and bail in less than a year! Give me a break.

Here is the sad reality. I've heard from seasoned teachers that the VSD won't hire a good substitute, because then they don't have that resource in their sub pool. And I've heard from an insider near the HR department that when they had their last big recruitment day, which Heather attended, a couple of the male higher-ups were overheard to say that only the cute one's should be brought through for an interview. Of course many other people were given interviews, but come on, who says that!

So why would they want a young woman who has passionately dedicated her time to the furtherance of children's lives, who is as educated or more than the teacher next to her, who gets along with her peers to the point they recommend her with no reservations, and who eats, sleeps and breathes making herself a better teacher who will positively impact the lives of every youngster that crosses her path!?

Why indeed. Vancouver School District, Teresa Manthe, Lee Goeke...shame on you all for letting a resource like Heather get away!


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