A Wintery Day in Seaside
1 Cubed Scion xB
1 Dash Winter Storm Warning
4 Parts Anderson Peapod
A Dozen Elements of Fun
Stir in a tank of gas and what do you get? A quick day-trip to Seaside filled with fun times and some snowy weather!
Heather and I have been itching for some beach time lately, so when we heard that a winter storm watch was in effect for the Oregon Coastal mountain range we knew we had to fire up the Scion (with studs) and head out on a day trip. We figured worst thing that could happen is we'd be forced to turn around and come back home. Luckily even though the go was slow a time or two, we made it no problem.We chose to go up the Washington side, through Astoria. The snow made everything beautiful.
Winter Wonderland
Although there wasn't snow at Seaside, we were lucky it wasn't windy. A little cold and rain is nothing a few native NW'erners couldn't handle.
Not much happening on the sand, let's head to the Aquarium.
We neglected to get pictures of Evan and Hollyn feeding fish to the Sea Lions, but let's just say they had a great time.
Our baby looks too much like a little girl here!
What a sweet princess though.One of the workers came out and did a little show-n-tell with an Octopus. Heather was holding Hollyn and said she was shaking with fear and excitement.
Evan just told the Octopus that Mommy tried calamari recently.
Uh, oh...could be trouble.No better way to learn than poking!
Since Evan loves all things dinosaurs lately, he was particularly enamored with this 34 foot, 9 yr-old, Gray Whale skeleton just outside the Aquarium.
Lewis & Clark got nothing on this little explorer.
You can't go to Seaside and not ride the carousel.
Evan riding bear-back.
Since one of Evan's favorite movies is Jurassic Park,
you know we had to play this when he spotted it at the arcade.Ummm, who looks more intense with the hardware here? Scary!
The only thing cuter than Hollyn is TWO Hollyns.
We were so bummed when we found out that the bumper car place on the main strip was closed. Imagine our surprise when we discovered another little bumper car place in the arcade.
Cap off the day with some cheese pizza and a philly cheese steak sandwich before we head home.
Deliciously sponsored by Pepsi!